- Technical Feeder
- Dart and Flutter
- Flutter How to create a circular color picker
- Flutter How to apply gradient color background
- Dart: Trie Data Structure: The Key to Fast and Effective Search
- Flutter Solve major problems related to TextField
- Flutter Timestamp input by TextField
- Dart How to define an array with mixed data type in gRPC
- Dart gRPC How to handle multi-data type property
- Dart gRPC Bidirectional streaming example
- Dart Client Streaming gRPC function example to Upload a file
- Dart Server Streaming gRPC function example to download a file
- Dart The first gRPC server and client with timestamp
- Dart How to setup devcontainer for gRPC
- Learn implementation of Disjoint-set (Union Find) in Dart
- Flutter How to implement Bloc like pattern with Riverpod
- Flutter Separate UI and business Logic by Bloc Pattern
- Flutter Freezed autogenerates code for copyWith, serialization, and equal
- I struggled with releasing a Flutter Desktop app
- Flutter Select rows on DataTable with the control/shift key
- Flutter How to delete a row on DataTable by Delete button
- Flutter How to show selected area on Slider
- Flutter How to get widget height, width, x, and y position
- Flutter Resize table column by dragging
- Flutter DataTable double tap event on DataRow
- Dart How to remove duplicates by key-values in object list (Distinct)
- Implementing Bloom Filter in Dart
- Dart Convert String to int with default value on failure
- Flutter Date and Time picker without additional dependencies
- Flutter Convert TimeOfDay to 24 hours format
- Flutter Apply text style to a target tree
- Dart Random number in a range
- Flutter Line chart with a great graph tool Fl_Chart
- Parse Json into a Dart class object
- Flutter Get data from Google Search Console
- Flutter Keep login state and get Authorization bearer token
- Flutter DataTable Cross axis scroll
- Flutter Google sign in for web
- Flutter File/Folder search with Google Drive API
- Flutter Failed to start DevTools: Dart DevTools exited with code 255
- Flutter TabBar and TabBarView without AppBar
- Flutter Upload data to Google Drive
- Flutter Google Login with Firebase
- Flutter Swipe list item to delete
- Flutter Loading next data when reaching the bottom of ListView
- Dart Handling the length after decimal point
- Flutter Navigator pushReplacement and popUntil
- Flutter How to add Drawer implementation
- Dart DateTime handling
- Flutter Dropdown Button hint text and initial value
- Flutter Alert/Simple Dialog examples
- Dart/Flutter Constructors tutorial with examples
- Flutter Riverpod Handling Future and dispose in StateNotifier
- Flutter Dynamic TextField creation with Riverpod
- Flutter 4 ways to hide persistentFooterButtons
- Flutter Riverpod and ListView
- Waiting for another flutter command to release the startup lock...
- Flutter Scrolling while dragging an item
- Flutter How to write unit test for thrown exception
- Dart Compare two objects - how to deep equal
- Flutter Provider example ChangeNotifierProvider and Consumer
- Flutter Draggable Expansion Tile
- Flutter Dynamic expansion tile for group data
- Build error after upgrading Flutter
- Flutter Add TextField widget dynamically
- Flutter move screen up on the keyboard
- Flutter - Retaining current view state
- Flutter Set value from parent widget
- Extended widget doesn't solve a RenderFlex overflowed error
- Flutter - How to add label to Divider widget
- Dart - how to assign int/String values to enum
- Dart - Understanding Class Initialization Order
- Dart compiler doesn't recognize if a variable is non-null value
- Docker
- How to direct Docker standard output and error output at the same time
- Docker How to set up USB hotplug for a USB device
- Fails to start devcontainer in VSCode due to lack of mounted device
- Python install Poetry in Docker container with VSCode
- Building dev infrastructure with docker
- Visualizing log info with Fluentd, Elasticsearch and Kibana
- Container optimization
- Update and rollback without downtime in swarm mode
- Creating a cluster with Docker swarm and handling secrets
- Override Docker compose file to have different environments
- Container's dependency check and health check
- Run multi Docker containers with compose file
- Communication with other Docker containers
- Bind host directory to Docker container for dev-env
- Docker volume
- Start Docker from scratch
- Dev Environment in Docker Container
- elixir
- Golang
- Golang Is memory size doubled if passing a slice to a parameter?
- Golang Type Switch does not work for a pointer in struct?
- Golang What would be the simplest way to set the default value?
- Golang Guarantee to process only once by using sync.Once
- Golang Use a pointer receiver to define a function for a struct
- Golang How/When to use sync.Cond
- Golang Set channel direction to prevent usage error
- Golang Check variable order in Struct if you must reduce memory usage
- Golang Dynamic access to a property in a struct
- Golang Is Compiling Regex In Loop Really Expensive?
- Golang Implement Debounce logic in different ways
- Golang How to implement Debounce and how to use time.Timer properly
- Golang Which way is the best to declare array/slice
- Golang When should Atomic be used instead of Mutex?
- Golang Unit testing with Gomega matcher
- Golang A good way to get struct data with gomega matcher
- Golang errors.Is() does not work for Custom error?
- Golang Mock File System for unit testing by afero
- Golang How to define gRPC message to contain mixed data type in an array
- Golang gRPC unary, stream, bidirectional RPC examples
- Golang How to filter a Slice with Generics
- Golang Generics type constraints with interface and Tilda
- Golang How to start using gRPC in devcontainer
- Golang Don't pass a value to a callback in a loop with range
- Golang How to extract the desired data from a string by regex
- Golang How to define enum and understand how iota works
- Golang How to check if key exists in map
- Golang How to convert string to float, int
- Golang Improper package structure exports unneeded members
- Golang How to mock an object by yourself for unit testing
- Golang How to accept an arbitrary number of arguments
- Golang How to get value from any/interface
- Golang How to differentiate between Context cancel and timeout
- Golang Async/Await with Goroutine and Channel
- Golang Unmarshal json without struct definition
- Golang Converting struct to string
- Golang How can nil be set to string?
- Health
- JavaScript/TypeScript
- How to implement efficient Least Recently Used cache (LRU) in TypeScript
- How to write clean if-else statements
- Read all files and subdirectories in iterative call
- TypeScript/JavaScript Filter array of objects by property value
- JavaScript replaceAll multiple characters and strings
- Node.js + C# (Edge.js) How to investigate Memory Leak
- How to sort Array if it contains number string and string data in JavaScript
- Implementing Treap data structure in TypeScript
- TypeScript Remove elements from an object array
- Implementation of D Way Heap in TypeScript (Binary Tree)
- FATAL ERROR: invalid array length Allocation failed
- TypeScript Find the lowest missing number in an array
- TypeScript Cancellable sleep/delay
- Understanding how to use Symbol.iterator in JavaScript/TypeScript
- TypeScript keyof typeof for type generation
- TypeScript Make the function parameter more maintainable by using interface
- TypeScript Utility types defined with infer keyword
- TypeScript How to set a default value with Interface
- node-serialport throws "File not found" error for a certain device when using USB-COM interface
- Implement IoT State Machine Transition By State Pattern In TypeScript
- A good way to write our own Node-RED node for the testability
- Object Type Check By User Defined Type Guard with Record Type
- TypeScript input validation by Method Decorators
- Top-Level function cannot be stubbed if it is exported by an asterisk
- TS2322 error when trying to add a property to an anonymous object
- What is the difference between Stub and Mock
- Reduce the number of if-else and switch-case conditional clauses
- TypeScript Stub Date and timer friends functions with sinon
- How to determine test values for unit testing
- TypeScript Stub Top Level function by Sinon
- How to mock fs.readdir and fs.readFile for unit testing
- How to inject user input data for unit tests
- error C2039 'Buffer' is not a member of 'node'
- How to start Unit Testing in TypeScript with mocha and chai
- Chai Compare object array
- NPM How to pin dependency version of a dependency
- TypeScript Replace switch-case logic with Record object
- Mocha nested before after function call order
- TypeScript Pick nested object
- TypeScript/JavaScript Bitwise Operations
- TypeScript/JavaScript Extract target keys from an object
- JavaScript/TypeScript Handling Surrogate Pairs
- Validate Json file with Json schema
- TypeScript Hack the original behavior
- Make an Event Listener test simpler by Promise
- OR Operator causes a misunderstanding
- How to write annoying unit tests
- TypeScript How to refactor a function to use named parameters
- Node-RED flow test is slow if flow is big
- TypeScript - Using never type in switch case
- Testing a function specified in callback that cannot be triggered in test
- How to Restrict Possible String Arguments
- Define array with multiple types in TypeScript
- How to implement Node-RED node in TypeScript
- Complete Class Guide in TypeScript
- TypeScript Bracket notation causes index signature error
- 8 ways to remove duplicates from Array in TypeScript
- How to generate Number Range Array in TypeScript
- String concat in JavaScript Performance Comparison
- Making your code more abstract by Generics in Typescript
- Extends interface and type in typescript
- Efficient Null Handling in Typescript
- Typescript enum get value by key and key by value
- TypeScript/JavaScript Spread operator (three dots)
- Tips to reduce Node-RED flow conflicts
- try-catch doesn't catch an error thrown in timer
- Recursive setTimeout vs setInterval
- Nested class or inner class in Typescript
- Is Map object faster than if-else and switch?
- Node-RED node test fails when using sinon.useFakeTimer
- 5 Refactoring techniques that you can immediately apply
- Advanced state machine pattern
- Best way to implement utility function Top-level vs Static vs Namespace
- JavaScript/TypeScript currying arrow function
- How to check if an object implements an interface in Typescript
- How to write Node-RED flow test
- Replacing a static function by using proxy class
- Reducing number of conditional clauses by command pattern
- How to make code testable
- How to become a better programmer
- Difference between for, while, forEach, for-in and for-of
- async/await with Promise in TypeScript
- How to write unit tests for a singleton class
- Using spread operator for process.env
- How to write good unit tests?
- Dependency injection in Typescript. Constructor? Setter? Factory method?
- Other techs
- Git How to apply changes made to the root branch that has already merged
- VS Code does not start from WSL due to collapted file
- How to add name servers in WSL2
- Git Ignore indexed file but cannot switch to a branch if it's modified
- How to copy files from Windows to Linux running in Virtual Box
- Git How to create/remove branches in Local and Remote repository
- Git How to undo a commit to remove some modifications
- Git How to update all repos in a directory
- Linux How to rename multiple files at once
- Why does git submodule update not work!!
- Git How to show the current branch name on the terminal on WSL
- How to screenshot and record on Linux
- Linux How to add custom commands
- Linux How to enable case-insensitive and double tab key presses in Terminal
- Linux How to add a group to a user
- KeePass2 shows garbled characters on Linux Mint
- Fails to start devcontainer in VSCode due to lack of mounted device
- How to connect to a scanner with Golang on Linux
- How to connect USB devices to a VirtualBox VM
- Connect a USB device to WSL without admin privilege
- Assign a value to VSCode launch.json depending on env value with Makefile
- VSCode + WSL2 + devcontainer for dev environment
- Makefile How to use variables defined in a config file
- Task failed because AxImp.exe was not found
- ksplashqml closed unexpectedly during VM creation with VirtualBox
- PowerShell Try-Catch-Finally error handling
- PowerShell Install msi silently
- Setup a port forwarding by batch file
- Bash fails in Gradle task on Azure pipeline with windows-2022
- How to debug no console app with nssm
- Git big commit vs small commit
- Git "error: cannot lock ref" error
- How to write outer join more than 3 tables
- Establish SQL Server in Docker container
- How do computers identify the destination
- Most common Git commands for daily work
- Start Powershell with specified execution policy without changing default
- Python
- Python Check performance by using timeit
- Python How to add custom fields to logging formatter
- Python How to convert a nested JSON to a class
- Python How to pass a class constructor as an argument
- Python How to mock constructor with mockito for unit testing
- Python How to handle an error from finally block
- Python Find the fastest way to access a property for performance
- Python How to run another Python script with arguments
- Python How do nested groups work for regex
- Python Convert str to int/float, dict/list to str, and vice versa
- Python Access a class property by the name without dot chaining
- Python How to trim unnecessary letters from a string
- Python Use lambda to create a function for simple logic
- Python 4 ways to remove duplicates from an object list
- Spread operator in Python? How to unpack list/dict
- Python How to filter object list
- Python How to create multiple Threads for async
- Python Using Literal type to restrict the parameter
- Python How to create a missing key automatically
- Python How to define a custom exception with parameters
- Python How to use fixture in pytest to share a function
- Python Set value for many properties if it is not None
- Python Reconstruct dictionary by splitting a formatted key string
- Python install Poetry in Docker container with VSCode
- Python mockito to stub an object for unit testing
- Python join function that works for list of list with non-string values
- Python Three ways to flatten a list
- Python How to pass a list to parametrize in Pytest
- Python How to call a function for all elements of a list by using map
- Python How to check if list has only one data type
- Python square brackets with a colon for list
- Python Class constructor, destructor, accessibility, and inheritance
- Python How to setup for Remote debugging with VSCode
- Python How to start unit tests with pytest
- Python Use triple quotes for Docstrings
- Python when is the function actually executed if using yield
- Python Understanding basics of for loop
- Linear Regression for Machine Learning Beginners
- Recommendations
- Thumb orthosis supports Tendonitis/Arthritis to relieve the pain
- Recommended Books for Programmers to enhance the skills
- Recommended Items for programmers for work-env and health care
- Look at the Mt.Fuji on the Akko World Tour Tokyo keyboard
- Review Jabra Evolve 75 UC Stereo Wireless Bluetooth Headset
- Fingerless Gloves for winter works to relieve hand pain of tendonitis
- Rainbow colored keyboard that makes typing fun
- Try sophisticated and comfortable mice M575 for the first trackball mice
- Try to use wrist rests to reduce wrist strain
- Tips
- How to direct Docker standard output and error output at the same time
- Node.js + C# (Edge.js) How to investigate Memory Leak
- Which info should be written to a log file
- Start code review within 24 hours
- Numbers are not reliable for developers performance review
- You can't search for what you don't know
- Programming blog result for the first year
- Why should a programmer has an own Blog
- View screen of broken Samsung Android on Windows 10 PC
- How to backup photos automatically
- Difficulties of personal evaluation for programmer
- Activity review by Toggl Track
- Why is refactoring your code important?
- Self learning guide to be a good programmer
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