Dart and Flutter Flutter Alert/Simple Dialog examples When we want to tell a message to a user, showing the message on a dialog is one of the ways. Flutter offers the followi... 2021.11.03 Dart and Flutter
Dart and Flutter Dart/Flutter Constructors tutorial with examples Constructor is one of the basics to implement dart class. There are some features that I didn't know before writing this... 2021.11.01 Dart and Flutter
JavaScript/TypeScript TypeScript Hack the original behavior Dependency doesn't support what you want? Then, hacking the code might be the solution. This article tries to replace th... 2021.10.22 JavaScript/TypeScript
Dart and Flutter Flutter Riverpod Handling Future and dispose in StateNotifier It took me a while to find out how to implement a Provider that uses FutureProvider in it and disposes of a variable cre... 2021.10.20 Dart and Flutter
Dart and Flutter Flutter Dynamic TextField creation with Riverpod I have posted the following article before. The code uses neither Riverpod nor Provider. It is implemented by using Stat... 2021.10.18 Dart and Flutter
Dart and Flutter Flutter 4 ways to hide persistentFooterButtons Scaffold Widget has persistentFooterButtons property. How can we implement it if we want to show and hide it depending o... 2021.10.15 Dart and Flutter
JavaScript/TypeScript Make an Event Listener test simpler by Promise A unit test should test only one thing but there might be some cases that a test checks multiple things because those va... 2021.10.13 JavaScript/TypeScript
JavaScript/TypeScript OR Operator causes a misunderstanding OR operator "||" is useful to set a default value if the target variable is not set but it is easy to make a mistake eve... 2021.10.11 JavaScript/TypeScript
Dart and Flutter Flutter Riverpod and ListView I didn't know how to use a Riverpod provider for ListView, so I looked into it and implemented it. If you are looking fo... 2021.10.07 Dart and Flutter
Tips View screen of broken Samsung Android on Windows 10 PC I use an android smartphone. The display was suddenly broken. Firstly, right 1/3 of the screen doesn't recognize the tou... 2021.10.06 Tips