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Golang How to accept an arbitrary number of arguments

Are you searching for a way to accept an arbitrary number of parameters? Can the parameters have mixed data types? Then, this post is for you. Let's handle the parameter depending on the type.

Golang How to get value from any/interface

If a function has a parameter that is any or interface{}, it's not possible to access a property by a dot chain. How can we read a value in this case?

Golang How to differentiate between Context cancel and timeout

This post explains how to use Context for the process cancellation or timeout. Furthermore, it shows you how to implement it if you want to keep the process but want to introduce Timeout in it.

Golang Async/Await with Goroutine and Channel

Golang offers Goroutine and Channel to make Async implementation easy.

Golang Unmarshal json without struct definition

Json format is often used when using REST API or when you want to write the content of a struct to the log. This post explains how to define the struct and show you the result.

Golang Converting struct to string

Do you want to convert struct to string to write the information to the log file? Let's start with simple data type first and then, convert struct data type!

Golang How can nil be set to string?

Can nil not be assigned to string variable in Golang? It needs to be a pointer to set nil. You don't know what a pointer is? Then, this post is for you.
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