Dart and Flutter Dart The first gRPC server and client with timestamp Let's try to define the first gRPC functions and implement it in both server and client side. This is the good start point of gRPC. 2023.07.21 Dart and Flutter
Dart and Flutter Dart How to setup devcontainer for gRPC The official side shows examples but you might run into some problems to setup the environment in devcontainer. Let's setup the env with me to save your time. 2023.07.19 Dart and Flutter
Dart and Flutter Learn implementation of Disjoint-set (Union Find) in Dart Disjoint-set is one of the Data Structures. It's useful to merge two elements and check whether an element is in the same group as another element. Let's learn how it work and how to implement it. 2023.04.24 Dart and Flutter
Dart and Flutter Flutter How to implement Bloc like pattern with Riverpod Do you want to move from Bloc pattern with flutter_bloc to Riverpod? Then, let's go through with me. I implemented the same application in both. 2023.04.19 Dart and Flutter
Dart and Flutter Flutter Separate UI and business Logic by Bloc Pattern Code segregation is important for clean code. UI part should be separated from Business Logic. Bloc pattern is one of the solutions in Flutter. Let's learn how to implement it. 2023.04.17 Dart and Flutter
Dart and Flutter Flutter Freezed autogenerates code for copyWith, serialization, and equal Some methods need to be overridden for a data class to copy, compare, and convert from/to JSON. Freezed package auto generates those codes from a simple class definition. Let's try to use it. 2023.04.14 Dart and Flutter
Dart and Flutter I struggled with releasing a Flutter Desktop app I tried to create a release for a Flutter Desktop application but it was not straightforward... I created a release for ... 2023.03.29 Dart and Flutter
Dart and Flutter Flutter Select rows on DataTable with the control/shift key It's typical behavior that the multiple rows can be selected by the control key or shift key on a Desktop application. How can we implement it in Flutter? Use KeyboardListener to detect the key event. Then, control the selection depending on whether the key is being pressed or not. 2023.03.15 Dart and Flutter
Dart and Flutter Flutter How to delete a row on DataTable by Delete button When showing data on DataTable, we might want to have a feature that deletes selected rows by pressing a Delete key. How is it possible? Use KeyboardListener.I will show you where to put the widget and how to use it in this post. 2023.03.10 Dart and Flutter
Dart and Flutter Flutter How to show selected area on Slider How can we show the selected area on a slider widget? Using Stack is one of the solutions but it's necessary to consider the padding value to show the selected area accurately. Let's learn how to do it! 2023.02.06 Dart and Flutter