Python Python Access a class property by the name without dot chaining In some cases, a key string needs to be used to read property. How can it be done in Python? Use setattr, getattr, and hasattr functions 2023.03.20 Python
Python Python How to trim unnecessary letters from a string Are unnecessary spaces contained in a string? Then, let's trim them by using strip. It can be used not only for spaces but also for arbitrary characters. 2023.03.17 Python
Dart and Flutter Flutter Select rows on DataTable with the control/shift key It's typical behavior that the multiple rows can be selected by the control key or shift key on a Desktop application. How can we implement it in Flutter? Use KeyboardListener to detect the key event. Then, control the selection depending on whether the key is being pressed or not. 2023.03.15 Dart and Flutter
Other techs Git How to update all repos in a directory Are there many git repositories to update? This post is for you if you don't want to change the directory and git pull many times. Let's update them at once with find and xargs commands. 2023.03.13 Other techs
Dart and Flutter Flutter How to delete a row on DataTable by Delete button When showing data on DataTable, we might want to have a feature that deletes selected rows by pressing a Delete key. How is it possible? Use KeyboardListener.I will show you where to put the widget and how to use it in this post. 2023.03.10 Dart and Flutter
Other techs Linux How to rename multiple files at once I want to rename multiple files in the same directory at once with index. How can I do it on Linux? Let's combine use for-loop and ls command. Then, rename it in the loop. 2023.03.08 Other techs
Golang Golang How to convert string to float, int Do you want a cheat sheet to know how to convert value to another data type? This article covers what you want. 2023.03.06 Golang
Python Python Use lambda to create a function for simple logic Using lambda is a good choice if a function requires a callback parameter and the logic in the callback is quite simple. Let's learn how to use it if you don't know it. 2023.03.03 Python
Python Python 4 ways to remove duplicates from an object list Do you need to remove duplicates from a list? This post covers not only a literal list but also an object list. If it's an object list, it's harder to remove duplicates than the literal version. Let's check how to implement it! 2023.03.01 Python
Python Spread operator in Python? How to unpack list/dict How can we write if we want to unpack a list in Python? Is there something like spread operator used in JavaScript? Yes. Use an asterisk to unpack the list. Use double asterisk for dict type. Let's look at the examples. 2023.02.27 Python