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Golang Don’t pass a value to a callback in a loop with range

If a value is passed to a callback in a loop with range keyword, it can introduce a bug. The desired value is not used in the callback if it is triggered later. You should know how to work range keyword in this post.

Golang How to extract the desired data from a string by regex

How can we implement it to extract values from a string? Using a regular expression is the right approach for it. Compile regex string and find string submatch.

Golang How to define enum and understand how iota works

What is the best practice to define enum in Golang? Use iota for enum and define String() func.

Python How to run another Python script with arguments

Another Python script can be run by exec function. However, arguments can't be specified with it. How is it implemented? Okay, use subprocess.call or subprocess.run instead.
Other techs

Git How to create/remove branches in Local and Remote repository

There are some branches that are no longer needed. Then, remove them all at once. Let's use the combination of git branch -d, grep, and xargs.

Golang How to check if key exists in map

How to initialize mapThere are two ways to initialize map in Golang.Initialization without any key-valueIf it's not nece...
Dart and Flutter

I struggled with releasing a Flutter Desktop app

I tried to create a release for a Flutter Desktop application but it was not straightforward... I created a release for ...

Python How do nested groups work for regex

If there are several formats and data need to be extracted from the string, the nested group might neet to be used in the regex string. How does it actually work? Let's check together with me.

Python Convert str to int/float, dict/list to str, and vice versa

Conversion is often needed to change the data type. This post covers main cases where you need in your production code. Let's check how to convert a variable.
Other techs

Git How to undo a commit to remove some modifications

Everyone can make a mistake. How can we undo a commit when we push a commit by mistake? How can we revert a commit from the middle of the history when the commit is no longer needed?
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