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Golang How to start using gRPC in devcontainer

gRPC is one of the nice tools when two applications need to be communicated with each other. It's not hard to implement ...

TypeScript/JavaScript Filter array of objects by property value

An array often needs to be filtered by a condition. That can easily be done filter function that is implemented in Array...

JavaScript replaceAll multiple characters and strings

replaceAll was added to ECMAScript2021. The same thing can be done with replace function but the name is clearer for the...
Dart and Flutter

Learn implementation of Disjoint-set (Union Find) in Dart

Disjoint-set is one of the Data Structures. It's useful to merge two elements and check whether an element is in the same group as another element. Let's learn how it work and how to implement it.

Node.js + C# (Edge.js) How to investigate Memory Leak

It's hard to find the root cause when we find a memory leak in software. If you have no clue, it's better to start profiling the code. A tool helps the investigation.
Dart and Flutter

Flutter How to implement Bloc like pattern with Riverpod

Do you want to move from Bloc pattern with flutter_bloc to Riverpod? Then, let's go through with me. I implemented the same application in both.
Dart and Flutter

Flutter Separate UI and business Logic by Bloc Pattern

Code segregation is important for clean code. UI part should be separated from Business Logic. Bloc pattern is one of the solutions in Flutter. Let's learn how to implement it.
Dart and Flutter

Flutter Freezed autogenerates code for copyWith, serialization, and equal

Some methods need to be overridden for a data class to copy, compare, and convert from/to JSON. Freezed package auto generates those codes from a simple class definition. Let's try to use it.

Golang Don’t pass a value to a callback in a loop with range

If a value is passed to a callback in a loop with range keyword, it can introduce a bug. The desired value is not used in the callback if it is triggered later. You should know how to work range keyword in this post.

Golang How to extract the desired data from a string by regex

How can we implement it to extract values from a string? Using a regular expression is the right approach for it. Compile regex string and find string submatch.
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