Dart and Flutter Flutter Timestamp input by TextField I posted the following article before to get Date and Timestamp.But sometimes it's better to have a simple UI. I wanted ... 2023.10.06 Dart and Flutter
Golang Golang Unit testing with Gomega matcher A function result somehow needs to be compared in a unit test to know whether the function returns the expected value or... 2023.10.04 Golang
Golang Golang A good way to get struct data with gomega matcher It took me about 20 minutes to know the way to access a property in a struct that is passed by a channel in a unit test.... 2023.10.02 Golang
JavaScript/TypeScript Read all files and subdirectories in iterative call I needed to implement a function that reads all the files and the subdirectories. Many frameworks offer such a function ... 2023.09.06 JavaScript/TypeScript
Python Python How to pass a class constructor as an argument Is it possible to pass a constructor as a parameter? Yes, it is. There are multiple ways to instantiate a different clas... 2023.08.14 Python
Python Python How to mock constructor with mockito for unit testing A class constructor directly needs to be called in a class in some cases. It might not be a good design but sometimes it... 2023.08.09 Python
Python Python How to handle an error from finally block If an error occurs in finally block, the first error caught in except block is overwritten. How can we know both errors? Let's split the block and add both errors into one custom error. 2023.08.07 Python
Golang Golang errors.Is() does not work for Custom error? How can a custom error implemented in Golang? Define struct and Error() method for it. Implement Is() method if errors.Is() needs to be used for the custom error. 2023.08.04 Golang
Dart and Flutter Dart How to define an array with mixed data type in gRPC An array and map data type is useful. Is it possible to use them in gRPC? YES, it is. Let's define them in Protocol Buff... 2023.08.02 Dart and Flutter
Dart and Flutter Dart gRPC How to handle multi-data type property In Protocol Buffer, we can define a property that can have multiple data types. A different data type needs to be assign... 2023.07.31 Dart and Flutter