Other techs Most common Git commands for daily work This post explains the most used git commands in daily work. If you remember these commands, you can handle most cases. 2021.02.17 Other techs
JavaScript/TypeScript How to check if an object implements an interface in Typescript When using Typescript the compiler detects the type error. It supports any data type but it is not recommended to use be... 2021.02.16 JavaScript/TypeScript
JavaScript/TypeScript How to write Node-RED flow test Testing the whole Node-RED flow is important but adding test flows is not a good idea. Test stuff should exist only in the test code. This post explains how to write Node-RED flow tests in JavaScript/TypeScript code. 2021.02.15 JavaScript/TypeScript
JavaScript/TypeScript Replacing a static function by using proxy class This is 4th post in Become a better and decent programmer series.In the first post, I explained how to extract logic in ... 2021.02.14 JavaScript/TypeScript
JavaScript/TypeScript Reducing number of conditional clauses by command pattern This is 3rd post in Become a better and decent programmer series.In the first post, I explained how to extract logic in ... 2021.02.10 JavaScript/TypeScript
JavaScript/TypeScript How to make code testable In this post, we created a shopping application which is available on console and refactored it. It has only one class w... 2021.02.03 JavaScript/TypeScript
JavaScript/TypeScript How to become a better programmer I hadn't been decent programmer for a long time because I hadn't written unit test. Decent programmer should at least be... 2021.01.20 JavaScript/TypeScript
Docker Visualizing log info with Fluentd, Elasticsearch and Kibana Docker writes contents written to stdout and stderr into json formatted log file. If we create a function to write log w... 2021.01.13 Docker
Docker Container optimization As you already may know, Docker doesn't automatically remove images. An image composes of layers that are cached and the... 2021.01.06 Docker
Docker Update and rollback without downtime in swarm mode We don't want to stop our services when updating one of Docker images in a cluster if possible. If the new image fails t... 2020.12.23 Docker