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Dart and Flutter

Flutter Upload data to Google Drive

We implemented Google login in the previous post. If you haven't checked the post yet, go to the following post first to...
Dart and Flutter

Flutter Google Login with Firebase

I tried Google login from a Flutter application because Android users have Google account and it is easier for a user to...
Dart and Flutter

Flutter Swipe list item to delete

It's common to let a user swipe a list item for more options in smartphone applications. For example, we can archive an ...
Dart and Flutter

Flutter Loading next data when reaching the bottom of ListView

Many applications have a lazy data loading feature. For example, it loads the first 20 data and if a user scrolls down t...
Dart and Flutter

Dart Handling the length after decimal point

How to show minimum digit after decimal pointIf a value data type is double and printed, it includes a decimal point lik...
Dart and Flutter

Flutter Navigator pushReplacement and popUntil

Page transition is definitely required for all applications. Flutter offers multiple ways to do it, so I tried to use th...
Dart and Flutter

Flutter How to add Drawer implementation

Many apps have a drawer that appears from the left side of the screen. Let's learn how to implement it in Flutter.Minima...
Dart and Flutter

Dart DateTime handling

DateTime is very common in programming languages. We should know the basics to handle the date-time and show it correctl...
Other techs

Git “error: cannot lock ref” error

"error: cannot lock ref" error occurs if you create a branch with the existing folder name but a different case. If you create feature/branch-name1 and Feature/branch-name2, this problem likely occurs. You need to remove or rename the branch to give the same folder name.

TypeScript Pick nested object

Pick type is useful to get types from an existing definition. But is it possible to get a type from a nested object Yes! It's possible to get a type by using brackets with the key.
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