Dart and Flutter Flutter How to apply gradient color background To create a beautiful app, a gradient color background could be a good way to implement it. Let's see how to implement i... 2024.04.01 Dart and Flutter
Golang Golang Guarantee to process only once by using sync.Once If a shared resource is needed on multiple goroutines and the initialization must be done only once on one of the gorout... 2024.03.11 Golang
Golang Golang Use a pointer receiver to define a function for a struct Do you recognize that there are two ways to define a method for a struct?func (m StructName) FuncName(){ // do something... 2024.03.08 Golang
Golang Golang How/When to use sync.Cond When should sync.Cond be used instead of channel?Golang provides easy ways for asynchronous processing. As you know, cha... 2024.03.06 Golang
Golang Golang Set channel direction to prevent usage error Do you often use a channel? Have you ever considered the channel direction? To use a channel, someone sends data to the ... 2024.03.04 Golang
JavaScript/TypeScript How to implement efficient Least Recently Used cache (LRU) in TypeScript This post is the output of this book.If you want to check all the code, go to my repository.What is cache?Cache is a kin... 2024.02.28 JavaScript/TypeScript
Golang Golang Check variable order in Struct if you must reduce memory usage A recent computer has enough resources and thus we might not have the opportunity to reduce memory usage. However, it's ... 2024.02.26 Golang
Golang Golang Dynamic access to a property in a struct I needed dynamic access to all properties in a struct in unit tests. In my case, the struct has only boolean properties.... 2024.02.16 Golang
Golang Golang Is Compiling Regex In Loop Really Expensive? A regex is a useful feature to check whether a string contains a special format. If we have many formats, we might want ... 2024.02.05 Golang
Dart and Flutter Dart: Trie Data Structure: The Key to Fast and Effective Search StructureTrie (same pronunciation as "try") is a tree-like data structure. It has the following looks. Let's assume that... 2024.01.15 Dart and Flutter