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Object Type Check By User Defined Type Guard with Record Type

I wrote the following article before.When we want to access a property of an object, we must somehow tell the compiler i...

TypeScript input validation by Method Decorators

While I read a book on API Design Patterns, I found decorators were used in the examples.It looks like this.@get("resour...

Thumb orthosis supports Tendonitis/Arthritis to relieve the pain

I have tendonitis maybe in my both thumb. A programmer could have this problem because we use our fingers a lot.I've had...

Top-Level function cannot be stubbed if it is exported by an asterisk

A top-level function is not a part of an object. If we need to stub it, we need to have an object that has the target fu...

TS2322 error when trying to add a property to an anonymous object

To solve TS2322 or TS7053 error, you need to define the data type correctly. Let's define Optional/Mandatory type to omit some properties.

What is the difference between Stub and Mock

In a unit test, we need to replace a real behavior with a test object but the variable name is sometimes xxxxStub for mo...

Reduce the number of if-else and switch-case conditional clauses

Have you found a function is not readable because of lots of conditional clauses such as if-else or switch-case? It's ti...

Recommended Books for Programmers to enhance the skills

Are you looking for a book to improve your programming skills? There are tons of books that we can buy today but not all...

Recommended Items for programmers for work-env and health care

We programmers work in front of monitors for 8 hours a day. We need to take care of the body for our health because we k...

Look at the Mt.Fuji on the Akko World Tour Tokyo keyboard

I bought a second keyboard a week later after I got keyboard. I use the rainbow-colored keyboard at home but I wanted an...
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