It has been almost a year since I started this blog. I think it’s a good time to review my footprints on the first day of the year. There might be some people who want to establish their own websites and hence might want to know how many active users, page views, and money I earn.
From the conclusion, the results in the last 30 days are as follows.
- Active users: about 9000
- Page views: about 11,000
- Income: about 1000 – 2000 yen (8 – 17$)
I’m not sure how good/bad these numbers are but they both increase gradually. Unfortunately, I can’t show the Google Analytics data.
Pile articles up – January to March
For the first 3 months, my blog was not recognized by Mr. Google.
I posted some articles to Google Blogger before. I was suggested by a colleague of mine that I should have gotten my own domain. I got this domain in January and moved articles. There were about 20 articles. I had posted an article per week. However, of course, the number of active users didn’t increase until the end of March. No one comes to an unpopular blog because the articles are not indexed by Google or not shown on the first page of the search result.
The number of active users in 30 days was less than 100.
If you want to start your own blog, you need to endure this period. Don’t lose your motivation here.
Blog was recognized – April to June
The number of active users gradually got growing. How to check if an object implements an interface in Typescript got evaluated by Mr. Google. It is currently shown at the second position on the first page of the search result for many related keywords. As you can see as of 2022-01-01, it is shown at the top in the “popular articles by category” if you are in the JavaScript/TypeScript category.
However, I didn’t write new articles in this period because I had parental leave for 2 months. Instead of writing new articles, I’ve read about 100 books in the two months for health, parenting, a way for self-learning, and so on.
Even if I hadn’t posted new articles, one of the articles started collecting page views.
The number of active users in 30 days at the start of April was 100 but it became around 1300 at the end of June.
Stagnation period – July to September
The number of active users doesn’t increase without posting new articles because the blog doesn’t grow. So, I started writing articles again. I posted once a week before but I changed the strategy. I tried to find a good cycle. One post after two days off, three days off, or every two days… But it is not easy to post a new article periodically because I need source code as well as the explanation.
I currently try to post a new article on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00 am. It’s a bit tight schedule but I feel it’s good because I need to input regularly. It’s important for me to improve my skills.
The number of active users in 30 days was about 1300 at the first of July and about 2000 at the end of September.
Some of the articles that I posted in this period get a good rank now. Both Typescript enum get key by value and Nested class or inner class in Typescript are shown at the second position now but they were bad rank in this period. It seems that it takes a while to be evaluated. It is often said but I understood that it’s hard to evaluate the articles and find improvements soon.
How to generate Number Range Array in TypeScript is also at the second position on the first page of the search result. But, many of my articles don’t have enough search volume. It’s not easy to collect many page views.
Explosion – October to December
The number of active users increased at a high speed. The number became 4 times in the 3 months. I started Flutter and some of the articles are in good positions. When I posted Flutter Failed to start DevTools: Dart DevTools exited with code 255, there were no other articles. Therefore, it was at the first position on the search result and collected about 1000 page views within a day.

But sadly, StackOverflow is toooo strong. The page of mine is currently under StackOverflow.
Income? As I wrote at the top of this article, it is less than 20$ by Google AdSense. I spend more than 500 hours on my blog in the last year. The income doesn’t look deserve it but a blog is a kind of asset. I hope I will earn more if I keep doing it.
What I want to do this year
If I face some problems during my development, I still try to post the solutions and how to consider against the problem. I guess the number of active users increases if I keep posting new articles. This is one thing I should keep doing.
I also try to write my thoughts to share how to learn, for example.
Monetizing is also important. I’ve already registered some Ad networks but my applications have been denied… I want to improve it this year.
Is running a blog nice?
As I wrote in this article, there were many good things. I learned a lot and it’s interesting that the PVs follow what I did. It needs trial and error but it is fun of doing.
But I found that it’s very hard for an article to be shown at the first position because of StackOverflow. In addition to that, each keyword doesn’t have enough search volume because only developers search them. The search volumes for Flutter and TypeScript are as follows by Keyword Surfer.

The volume becomes nearly 0 for the keywords that I use. It means that each article can collect a small number of visitors. To collect many visitors, writing a lot of articles is required for a programming blog. It might be different if it handles Python and Java for example.
