I started to use Toggl Track to record my daily activities. I want to know how long I spend on what. I record not all activities because it takes a bit of time to start/stop the timer. The period is January – June 2021.

I recorded 774 hours in total. I took two months long parental leave in April and May. I learn German but I didn’t spend enough time on it. I need to spend more time on it but it’s not easy to keep the motivation if I have something else to do like Blog or Book. I have read more than 100 books in this half-year. This was quite good to learn new things, especially about health care. The following table shows detail of Daily life.
Project | Client | Title | Duration |
Daily life | Kitchen | 101:12:56 | |
Daily life | Stretch | 00:28:17 | |
Daily life | Training | 20:51:32 | |
Daily life | Youtube | 170:49:58 |
I spent 100 hours on kitchen related, washing dishes and cooking! I like cooking. It’s ok but I spent about 171 hours on Youtube. It’s not only on Youtube but also on movies. I may be able to spend part of this time for German.

Let’s have a look at the result for each month.
January in 2021

It was vacation until 6th. Looking at this diagram, I started recording my activities on the day. I spent many hours every weekend. Let’s check what I did between 15 – 17.
Project | Client | Title | Duration |
Blog | 06:46:20 | ||
Book | 01:06:11 | ||
Daily life | Kitchen | 01:16:00 | |
Daily life | Training | 00:55:00 | |
Daily life | Youtube | 08:31:20 |
I spent more than 8 hours on YouTube!! Oh… How wasted time it was. Maybe I watched some channels that show eating, cooking, and book summaries. 1 hour for Book. I didn’t write the book title then but I guess it’s programming-related. I normally watch Youtube only on the weekend. I start watching it when I start having dinner.
February in 2021

Project | Client | Title | Duration |
Blog | Programming | 15:34:00 | |
Blog | Writing | 05:36:57 | |
Blog | 23:12:24 | ||
Book | DNSSEC | 04:09:57 | |
Book | Machine Learning | 03:15:55 | |
Book | 07:30:02 | ||
Children | inside | 00:52:06 | |
Children | Outside | 01:24:20 | |
Daily life | Kitchen | 12:51:25 | |
Daily life | Training | 02:11:05 | |
Daily life | Youtube | 19:50:59 | |
Deutsch | Hören | 01:07:26 | |
Deutsch | The big five for life | 02:07:51 |
I spent 44h23m on my Blog. There is one entry that has no description. I don’t know what I did then. Maybe it’s setting for server or something else. Book time is almost the same as January. YouTube time is less. I added Children project this month but it’s impossible to track all activities for it.
Let’s zoom into one of the weekends again. I spent 8 hours on YouTube between 5th – 7th whereas 5 hours on Book.
Project | Client | Title | Duration |
Blog | 03:18:03 | ||
Book | 04:58:40 | ||
Daily life | Kitchen | 04:09:58 | |
Daily life | Training | 00:15:23 | |
Daily life | Youtube | 07:58:26 | |
Deutsch | The big five for life | 00:47:50 |
March in 2021

I spent much more time on Book this month. It 53 hours!! I subscribed Kindle Unlimited this month because I was going to be on parental leave from the end of this month. The following table is the detail.
Project | Client | Title | Duration |
Blog | Programming | 06:02:58 | |
Blog | Writing | 07:04:40 | |
Book | Limittless | 06:15:19 | |
Book | Machine Learning | 02:08:05 | |
Book | Range 知識の幅が最強の武器になる # | 09:53:13 | |
Book | なぜ、あなたの仕事は終わらないのか | 01:54:58 | |
Book | わかりやすい文章を書く全技術 | 01:15:24 | |
Book | オプティミストはなぜ成功するか | 03:05:22 | |
Book | コンサル一年目が学ぶこと | 01:04:12 | |
Book | コーチングが人を活かす | 01:31:47 | |
Book | 一流の記憶法 | 02:57:43 | |
Book | 分子栄養学による治療 | 00:34:57 | |
Book | 反応しない練習 | 01:28:19 | |
Book | 後悔しない超選択術 | 01:40:13 | |
Book | 心と体を強くする!メガビタミン健康法 | 03:39:43 | |
Book | 成長マインドセット | 00:54:18 | |
Book | 漫画でよくわかるモンテッソーリ | 01:03:08 | |
Book | 理想の人生をつくる習慣化大全 | 00:21:18 | |
Book | 科学的な適職 | 02:38:30 | |
Book | 筋トレが最強のソリューションである | 01:34:35 | |
Book | 自分でできる子に育つ褒め方叱り方 | 01:51:35 | |
Book | 記憶術 場所法 | 01:21:50 | |
Book | 超人脈術 | 01:39:11 | |
Book | 超簡単メガビタミン | 01:18:28 | |
Book | 超簡単メガビタミン入門2 | 00:39:36 | |
Book | 超簡単メガビタミン入門3 | 01:40:07 | |
Book | 運は操れる | 00:40:46 | |
Children | inside | 04:05:59 | |
Children | Inside | 00:26:54 | |
Children | Outside | 04:28:05 | |
Daily life | Kitchen | 12:00:11 | |
Daily life | Stretch | 00:17:20 | |
Daily life | Stretch | 00:10:57 | |
Daily life | Training | 02:38:52 | |
Daily life | Youtube | 23:10:13 | |
Deutsch | Hören | 00:32:46 | |
Deutsch | The big five for life | 02:22:59 |
The book titles are almost Japanese but there are two books written English. Limitless and Range. Both of them are really great books. Limitless explains how to learn. The author Jim Kwik often got a bad grades at school because he thought he had memory issues. However, he found how to learn in his life and became a brain & memory coach and taught his method to many people including Hollywood stars. Its story is described in the book. His advertising started appearing on my Facebook after I bought the book. My activities were tracked very well… This is the internet.
Range tells us how powerful the range of knowledge is. Coming to the point, the knowledge of the various field is powerful because there are lots of things that are well known in a field but not in your field. A solution that everyone knows in other fields but not in your field can be applied to solve your problem.
April in 2021

It was parental leave for the whole month. I had enough time and spent much of my time on Book. The fields that I’ve read about were business, health care, medical, education, finance, and mindset. I wrote down the points that I didn’t know in a notebook. The notebook is full of useful content for me.
The baby was born in March and I thought I couldn’t sleep well but luckily I could. So I could spend my own time well.
Project | Client | Title | Duration |
Blog | 01:33:25 | ||
Book | 99%の人がしていないたった1%の仕事のコツ | 00:36:11 | |
Book | AI分析でわかった トップ5%社員の習慣 | 01:38:17 | |
Book | Brain Driven パフォーマンスが高まる脳の状態とは | 04:42:31 | |
Book | 「黄金の羽根」を手に入れる 自由と奴隷の人生設計 | 02:43:07 | |
Book | いちばんやさしいアジャイル開発の教本 | 02:35:26 | |
Book | うつぬきサプリ | 02:27:55 | |
Book | お母さんの敏感気 | 01:51:20 | |
Book | すぐに使える知識 分子栄養学講義ノート | 00:57:05 | |
Book | どこでも誰とでも働ける | 01:02:18 | |
Book | ひと目で伝わるプレゼン資料の全知識 # | 00:25:35 | |
Book | ケトン体こそ人類史上、最強の薬である | 01:30:12 | |
Book | コンサルを越える 問題解決と価値想像の全技法 | 00:46:31 | |
Book | ブランディングの教科書 | 01:36:49 | |
Book | モチベーション革命 | 00:10:01 | |
Book | 世界にひとつしかない「黄金の人生設計」 | 02:23:04 | |
Book | 人生格差はこれで決まる 働き方の損益分岐点 | 01:25:27 | |
Book | 図解 人材マネジメント入門 | 00:19:18 | |
Book | 奇跡の結果 極度の用量ビタミンD3 | 01:40:30 | |
Book | 妊婦•産後のための栄養療法シリーズ3 | 00:34:28 | |
Book | 子供の教育プランマスターバイブル | 00:05:11 | |
Book | 必ずできる | 01:09:28 | |
Book | 日本人というリスク | 00:20:55 | |
Book | 時間栄養学が明らかにした食べ方の法則 | 00:14:28 | |
Book | 書くだけで自分が9割変わる | 00:01:48 | |
Book | 歯をみがくのをやめると超健康になる | 01:49:34 | |
Book | 決定版 栄養学の基本がまるごとわかる事典 | 00:26:39 | |
Book | 眠れなくなるほど面白い社会心理学 | 01:10:47 | |
Book | 知的複眼思考法 | 02:39:34 | |
Book | 自分を最高値で売る方法 | 00:56:23 | |
Book | 見やすい資料のデザイン入門 | 00:30:00 | |
Book | 話し方で損する人得する人 | 00:05:53 | |
Book | 貧乏はお金持ち | 02:57:29 | |
Book | 運は操れる | 00:46:44 | |
Book | 01:12:36 | ||
Children | inside | 01:34:52 | |
Children | Outside | 18:40:09 | |
Daily life | Kitchen | 25:31:07 | |
Daily life | Training | 04:41:35 | |
Daily life | Youtube | 44:08:34 | |
Deutsch | The big five for life | 00:36:34 | |
Deutsch | 02:15:27 |
May in 2021

It was still parental leave for the whole month. The genre of the books that I’ve read was the same as in April. Book time was longer and no time for the blog. I started recording piano time that I started playing this year. A brain gets active by playing the piano. Its good effect propagates to other things to learn. I believe piano makes my brain clear and efficient.
Project | Client | Title | Duration |
Book | 8つのあそびと5つの習慣 | 00:43:41 | |
Book | 8割を手放せばすべてうまくいく | 00:02:46 | |
Book | 99.9%は幸せの素人 | 01:16:01 | |
Book | がんになったら肉を食べなさい | 03:34:08 | |
Book | こういう写真てどう撮るの | 00:43:55 | |
Book | まず白米をやめなさい | 02:39:22 | |
Book | アレルギーのない子にするために1歳までにやっておきたいこと15 | 01:35:59 | |
Book | コーヒーの秘密 | 00:21:02 | |
Book | トヨタの問題解決 | 00:22:56 | |
Book | トヨタの失敗学 | 00:45:10 | |
Book | ビジネスを加速させる 専門家ブログ制作•運用の教科書 | 01:05:34 | |
Book | フランスで大人気の日本料理教室 | 01:16:20 | |
Book | マインドフルネス「人間関係」の教科書 | 00:16:50 | |
Book | ワクチン不要論 | 03:34:37 | |
Book | 一流の学び方 | 00:51:33 | |
Book | 一生稼げる脳の作り方 | 01:32:54 | |
Book | 不安が自信に変わる 話し方の教室 | 00:22:07 | |
Book | 人生は運命ではなく「腸」が決定する | 01:35:03 | |
Book | 傷はぜったい消毒するな | 03:03:29 | |
Book | 勝ち組育つ家庭はしつけが違う | 01:12:42 | |
Book | 同じ勉強をしていて、なぜ差がつくのか? | 00:38:39 | |
Book | 大人の脳習慣 | 00:37:25 | |
Book | 子どもの頭脳を育てる食事 | 03:08:26 | |
Book | 子供の才能をメキメキ伸ばすには、まずは母親が幸せになりなさい | 00:13:31 | |
Book | 患者よ、医者から逃げろ | 05:30:12 | |
Book | 悪魔が教える 願いが叶う毒と薬 | 00:19:09 | |
Book | 手を洗いすぎてはいけない | 03:00:29 | |
Book | 書くだけで自分が9割変わる | 00:24:11 | |
Book | 最強のエンジニアになるための話し方の教科書 | 00:26:29 | |
Book | 未来に先回りする思考法 | 00:27:16 | |
Book | 本好きのためのAmazon Kindle読書術 | 00:05:17 | |
Book | 炭水化物が人類を滅ぼす | 04:32:39 | |
Book | 白米が健康寿命を縮める | 02:47:46 | |
Book | 睡眠力 | 00:23:46 | |
Book | 知っていると100倍得する!医療のキホン | 00:54:41 | |
Book | 筋トレビジネスエリートがやっている最強の食事法 | 00:57:08 | |
Book | 脳はバカ、腸はかしこい | 03:39:25 | |
Book | 自分がいなくてもうまくいく仕組み | 00:51:47 | |
Book | 見た目は腸が決める | 01:20:45 | |
Book | 食べて治すアレルギーアトピー・花粉症 | 00:32:10 | |
Children | inside | 01:11:27 | |
Children | Outside | 17:47:32 | |
Daily life | Kitche | 00:30:46 | |
Daily life | Kitchen | 30:26:47 | |
Daily life | Training | 04:22:27 | |
Daily life | Youtube | 31:27:52 | |
Deutsch | Hören | 06:34:55 | |
Family | Lake | 04:47:45 | |
Instrument | Piano | 05:12:03 | |
02:04:47 |
YouTube time is 31 hours but I think it’s not so bad because it was the holidays. It was the rainy season and it rained 2/3 of this month. I wanted to take my first child outside more often but couldn’t because of the rain. I added a Family project to track shopping and something else like picnics.
I didn’t spend enough time on German. It was 2 hours in April and 6.5 hours in May. Hmm…
June in 2021

I started blogging again. I get up around 4:30 am to make enough time to write. This routine goes quite well for me and I want to keep this.

Project | Client | Title | Duration |
Blog | Others | 05:49:14 | |
Blog | Writing | 52:45:13 | |
Book | Don’t make me think | 01:59:33 | |
Book | Find your why | 00:53:03 | |
Book | PIXAR 世界一のアニメーション | 04:27:16 | |
Book | いい緊張は能力を2倍にする | 03:19:22 | |
Book | デキるビジネスマンはなぜ歯がきれいなのか | 00:30:20 | |
Book | 神トーク 伝え方しだいで人生は思い通り | 01:16:04 | |
Book | 結果を出し続ける人が朝やること | 00:27:38 | |
Book | 腸が変われば人生が変わる | 02:17:15 | |
Children | Outside | 11:26:29 | |
Daily life | Kitchen | 14:45:50 | |
Daily life | Training | 02:49:36 | |
Daily life | Youtube | 19:47:48 | |
Deutsch | Hören | 03:51:04 | |
Family | Shopping | 06:19:25 | |
Instrument | Piano | 06:37:54 | |
Programming | Establish SQL Server on Docker | 04:50:42 | |
Programming | 05:18:24 |
I practice playing “To Zanarkand” from Final Fantasy 10 and main theme from Dragon Quest. I can almost play “To Zanarkand” now. The main theme from Dragon Quest is hard to play but I will master playing it.
I’ve read To Pixar and Beyond in Japanese. It was a very nice book as entertainment. The author tells how hard Pixar’s situation was and how he could manage to make a value. It tells what kind of person Steve Jobs is and how he behaved. Pixar makes great movies but I thought this story itself could be a movie.
Reading books is of course a very good habit but I think it’s more important to do output than input. It doesn’t make sense to read a book without output. This blog is a good opportunity to do it for me. I’ve known how long I spent on Youtube but this result shows clearly how long I actually spend on it. Youtube to watch book summaries gives me new knowledge but others are just entertainment. I want to reduce this time and use it for different things, for example, to learn German. I will try to reduce the time gradually.